Collage photograph of actress/coach Kimberly Crandall sitting on the Hollywood sign, and in several shots of her in different onset scenarios as an actor (in hair and makeup, on red carpet, during an audition selftape, and holding a slate clapper board).  Text reads "Kimberly Crandall's Secrets From The Set, Audition Hacks & Tips for Your On-Screen Success.  With a thought bubble with text that reads "Hold onto your pearls, I'm spilling the tea!"
Casting Director Work Sessions: What They Are & How to Nail Yours mindset matters the biz side of showbiz thriving auditions up-leveling acting journey

If you’ve ever received an audition callback referred to as a work session, congratulations! Not all casting offices do them, but when they do, it’s a great opportunity to refine your audition before stepping in front of producers, directors, or network executives.

So, what exactly is...

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5 Things Actors Can Do When Auditions Dry Up mindset matters resume thriving auditions up-leveling acting journey



Ever find yourself staring at your phone, waiting for that next cMAIL audition notification? Slow times in an acting career can feel like a curse, but they don’t have to be. Instead of letting the  slow times drag you...

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Revolutionizing the Scene: How Selftape Auditions Are Changing the Game mindset matters selftape the biz side of showbiz thriving auditions

selftape [self-teyp]

NOUN (a selftape)

1) a self made recording of an actor performing a scene or delivering lines for an audition.  It's like being handed a one-person film crew in a box, along with a healthy dose of existential dread. Ugh!


VERB (to selftape)

2) actors direct, shoot,...

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